Trophy Coues Deer
Turkey Hunting Fun
Great Times....
Hunting Mexico for Coues Deer/Goulds Turkey

Coues Deer
Coues Deer season runs from Dec. 1 to mid-Feb. The coues deer rut generally takes place during the month of January. Our success rate is 98%. All hunts are 6 days (travel excluded), fair chase and conducted with a 1x1 guide to hunter ratio. We use 4x4 vehicles (2 hunters per vehicle) or horses to access the hunt areas, then we hunt the mountains and canyons on foot.
Goulds Turkey
Spring turkey season runs from April 15 to May 28. The peak of the mating season generally occurs around the 30th of April. Our success rate on Goulds hunts over the past four years has been 100%. hunts are fair chase and conducted with a 1x1 guide to hunter ratio. We use 4x4 vehicles or horses to access the hunt areas, then we hunt the arroyos and hillsides on foot.
Hunting Tips & Information
Why Hunt With Ojo Caliente Outfitters?
We own our own ranches and do not lease hunting rights to anyone! We have posted lots of photos of our hunting ground, facilities and harvested bucks so you will know what we have and the trophy potential. You will not run into any other hunters and it is doubtful that you will see anyone other than the occasional cowboy and those in your own hunting party. We have not killed more than 15 bucks off of either of our ranches in any one year since 2002. We have guides who know the ranches and are good at spotting deer because they have lived in the area their entire lives. We have never had a problem crossing hunters and their rifles into Mexico, or exporting trophies to the States. We have a long list of satisfied customers, and most of our clients are repeat customers who have decided that life is too short to miss January coues hunts in the Sierra Madres of old Mexico!
Personal Gear Checklist
This list can be used for Goulds Turkey and Coues Deer hunts with slight common sense modifications.
- 1 medium weight long-sleeved camouflage shirt
- 2 light weight long-sleeved camouflage shirts
- 2 pairs of camouflage jeans
- 2 sets of thermal underwear (top and bottom)
- 4 pairs of medium weight socks
- 2 pairs of cotton socks
- 1 warm sleeping bag (rated +40 F to -10 F)
- Rifle(s), ammo, scope and sling, shooting sticks
- Flashlight with fresh batteries and a spare set
- 2 pairs of leather boots with Vibram soles (broken in)
- Camera and memory card
- Binoculars (7X35, 8x40 or 10x50)
- 1 goose-down coat or vest
- Spare eyeglasses
- Personal medication (no drug stores in close proximity to camp)
- 1 wool or synthetic coat
- Raingear
- 2 pairs of warm gloves
- Warm cap
- Daypack w/ water bladder (light, but sturdy)
- Towel and facecloth, soap
Obtaining Hunting License and Gun Permits
Option A: Use of our guns will allow you to fly into El Paso, Texas and avoid the need to make application and pay the expenses associated with gun permits.
Option B: If you elect to bring your own guns you are required by law to have a gun permit, therefore you must follow the procedures set forth below:
- Obtain a letter from you local police or sheriff's department, stating that you have no criminal record (police clearance letter).
- When completing the Gun Permit Application, type or print. Make sure the serial numbers listed are correct.
- Fill out the personal information questions, sign and date your contract. Each hunter must have his own contract with Ojo Caliente Outfitters.
- Obtain proof of citizenship (valid passport or certified copy of your birth certificate or naturalization certificate)
- Obtain 10 color passport size photos (1" x 1.5").
- Send the police clearance letter, gun permit application, all but one of the carbon copies of your contract, copies of your passport or birth certificate, 10 color passport photos (1" x 1.5") , and a check payable to Ojo Caliente Outfitters for $500 to the El Paso P.O. Box address listed on the back of our brochure.
- Be sure and register your guns and other valuables with U.S. customs and bring the receipt with you. This is not mandatory for personal belongings, but is mandatory for guns unless you elect to take your chances and assume the risk. The guns are normally not inspected on the U.S. side, but it can happen if the inspector elects to check the serial numbers and look over your customs registration form.
- Be sure and bring your passport, birth certificate and the customs gun/property registration form with you.
- The deadline for our receipt of all of your documents are as follows:October 30th for coues deer and February 1st for Goulds turkey.
- Please note that the gun permit is issued and held by the military garrison at the port of entry. We will be checking your guns into Mexico on the first day of your hunt and back out on the last day of your scheduled hunt. We can not reschedule the dates of your permit so make sure you are able to stay for the duration of your hunt.